cPanel & WHM

How to install mod_pagespeed in cPanel Servers

Mod_pagespeed is an effective way of speeding up the delivery of your website to your visitors. Originally released by Google it’s now maintained by an open community and you can easily deploy this to any cPanel server. we’ve created some tests as shown below to demonstrate just how much mod_pagespeed can speed up your website. Install Mod_PageSpeed on cPanel servers with Easy Apache 4.

As you can see the bottom two reports on are done with mod_pagespeed removed from the server, the YSLOW rating is 77% and the PAGESPEED is 80. But when deploying mod_pagespeed to the cPanel server we see an increase to 83% and 82% respectively. The loading time is now at 3.15s. Mod_PageSpeed can help with your Monthly Website SEO.

Install Mod_PageSpeed cPanel

How to install mod_pagespeed cPanel EasyApache 4

Create the file /etc/rpm/macros.apache2 and add the following lines of code exactly as below

nano /etc/rpm/macros.apache2
%_httpd_mmn 20120211x8664
%_httpd_apxs /usr/bin/apxs
%_httpd_dir /etc/apache2
%_httpd_bindir %{_httpd_dir}/bin
%_httpd_modconfdir %{_httpd_dir}/conf.modules.d
%_httpd_confdir %{_httpd_dir}/conf.d
%_httpd_contentdir /usr/share/apache2
%_httpd_moddir /usr/lib64/apache2/modules

Next, to install Mod_PageSpeed in cPanel run the following commands in order, make sure you run each command on its own

yum install rpm-build cpio ea-apache24-mod_version


rpmbuild --rebuild ea-apache24-mod_pagespeed-latest-stable.src.rpm

rpm -ivh /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ea-apache24-mod_pagespeed*.rpm

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

Mod_PageSpeed will now be installed on your cPanel server. In the header of any website on the server, you will now see the page speed tag.

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