cPanel & WHM

Install cPanel Hostname SSL – Check SSL Certificates

cPanel will now regularly check the sites on your cPanel server that have an SSL installed. cPanel will also check your server’s hostname to see if a valid certificate is installed. Having an SSL deployed to each website on your cPanel VPS Server means users can take advantage of free encryption. Basic SSL certificates used to cost around $12. Since Let’s Encrypt disrupted the market basic SSL’s are now free for everyone. You can manually install a hostname SSL by running a command from the command line.

Why use an SSL?

If your users connect to WHM and cPanel by using the hostname, or Having a valid hostname certificate helps to prevent browser security warnings. If there is no valid certificate installed on the server then your users will see the default warnings.

Install cPanel Hostname SSL

To manually install a cPanel hostname SSL certificate you can just call the checkallsslcerts script.


By running the checkallsslcerts script you also secure the connections to FTP if you use SFTP. Also, you can then use secure ports for email and users will not see a warning about insecure connections in Outlook. This does not secure mail once it has left the server. But it does provide a secure connection between the server and the end user.

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