How To Edit WHM Tweak Settings From Using SSH
Sometimes you may need to edit the WHM tweak settings page using SSH. However, you may not have access to WHM using the GUI. For example, if your SSL settings have changed WHM may lock you out of your cPanel server. You will need to make changes to the server to gain access again. This is especially true if you have the option “redirect to hostname” activated and you change your server’s hostname to something that does not resolve correctly. You would get locked out of your server.
Edit WHM Tweak Settings SSH
You can log in to your cPanel server using the root account and first, ensure you have Nano installed on your server;
yum install nano -y
Next, once installed open up the cpanel.config file;
nano /var/cpanel/cpanel.config

From here you can see the list of options that would normally be displayed in WHM when clicking on the “tweak settings” link.
You can enable and disable options here by swapping the values assigned to features for example;
To disable force SSL logins, change the line requiressl=1 to requiressl=0 or, to change the maximum amount of emails accounts can send per house change the line maxemailsperhour=100.
Finally, after you have made the required edits remember to enable your new settings always restart cPanel by issuing the command;
If you haven’t already, Install CSF for cPanel to protect your server.