cPanel Google Drive – Send cPanel Backups to Google Drive
Since cPanel version 65.9999.70 you can now send any backups your cPanel Server takes to cPanel Google Drive. This allows you to share the backups with your users or to utilize the low rates Google charges for their Google Drive space. To start sending your backups to your Google Drive account you first need to configure the Google Drive API manager for your Google Drive account.
Configure Your API Settings
1- Navigate to the Google API Manager website.
2- Click Library in the left navigation menu.
3- Under Google Apps APIs, click Drive API.
4- Click Create Project, and then click Create. A new menu will appear.
If this does not display, perform the following alternative steps:
A) Click Credentials in the left navigation bar. Click Create.
B) Enter your new project name and fill in the appropriate Yes or No responses. Click Create
C) Click Enable.
5) Enter your new project name and click Create then enable.
Create your Google Drive account credentials
First to send your cPanel backup to Google Drive, set up your account credentials for Google Drive backups, perform the following steps:
So, from the side navigation bar, click Credentials and then click Create credentials.
Note: If you have created Google Drive account credentials before, click Create credentials and then click Help Me Choose.
1- Select Google Drive API from Which API are you using?
2- Select Web Server from Where will you be calling the API from?
3- Select User Data from What data will you be accessing?
4- Click What credentials do I need?
5- Enter your desired name in Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID.
6- In the Authorized redirect URIs field, enter the https://hostname:2087/googledriveauth/callback link, where hostname represents your server's hostname.
7- Click Create.
8- Click Done.
The interface will display your new client ID and client secret. We strongly recommend that you write these down in a secure place. You will need these in Step 7 of the Create a Google Drive transport procedure. You can also download a JSON file with your client ID and client secret, or access them in the Credentials section.
Create a Google Drive transport
To create a Google Drive transport for cPanel Backups, perform the following steps:
Login to WHM as a root-enabled WHM user.
- In WHM’s Backup Configuration interface (Home >> Backup >> Backup Configuration), scroll down to the Additional Destinations section.

- In the Destination Type drop-down menu, select Google Drive™.
- Click Create New Destination.
- Enter your desired destination name.
- Enter your desired folder where you wish to store backups.
- Enter your client ID and client secret.
- Click Generate Credentials to generate the credentials file. A new tab will appear for you to authorize access to your Google Drive data.
- Enter your desired Timeout duration.
- Click Save Destination.
Your Google Drive backups should now be configured and any backups of your cPanel Server you take will be sent to your Google Drive account.